Event Updates


Following our recent communication relating to the immediate cancellation of all Gateshead SSP events, competitions and festivals, it is with extreme sadness that we write to you to convey the EXTENSION of this cancellation period.

Whilst we always endeavour to overcome any issues that could impact on our ability to deliver school events we are of course in the midst of unprecedented times.  Ultimately we recognise that the situation in respect of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has continued to significantly escalate since previous communication.  Whilst our intention had been to review the situation at Easter, we feel that, based on projected timelines, we have no option but to make the following announcement:   

“ALL GATESHEAD SSP EVENTS, COMPETITIONS & FESTIVALS (INCLUDING CLUSTER EVENTS) WILL BE CANCELLED UP TO AND INCLUDING MAY HALF TERM.  This will extend to include the Gateshead Schools Fun Run and the situation is now set to be reviewed on MONDAY 1st JUNE 2020.  We will continue to monitor and review the situation and issue updated communications in relation to scheduled events after this date.”

By communicating this message as early as possible we hope that schools will be best placed to cancel any bookings associated with any event attendance (e.g. transport) and in doing so will be in a stronger position to recover the associated costs.  As I’m sure you’ll appreciate decisions of this magnitude are never taken lightly and are taken in the best interests of all concerned. 

Please note that this announcement relates to EVENTS, COMPETITIONS AND FESTIVALS ONLY and does not relate to our other service areas (e.g. School Sport Coaching).  Although a School Sport Coaching cancellation has been issued for the remainder of the current term, a formal review specific to this area of service (which will take into account pre-booked Summer Term sessions) will take place on Monday 20th April, as originally scheduled.

During this time of unprecedented uncertainly, we continue to explore alternative ways of supporting our schools, staff, pupils and parents with various resources, all of which will be made available via our website and social media platforms:

Website:  www.gatesheadssp.org.uk

Social Media:  Search ‘GatesheadSSP’ on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook

We also want to make you aware of some changes to our contact details. As a result of the ongoing situation and the increasing number of council staff having to work from home, going forward we will NO LONGER BE ABLE TO ACCESS the Shared Inboxes and therefore CANNOT RECEIVE emails sent to the following email addresses:





Therefore please ensure that if you have any queries or are trying to contact us that you do so using the BELOW CONTACT DETAILS. If you are unsure of who exactly to direct your query to then please copy all of the team in and the person best placed to answer your query will get back to you as soon as possible.

Yvonne Hoyland               yvonnehoyland@gateshead.gov.uk                        Work Mob:  07500 032 598

Alex Perkins                       alexperkins@gateshead.gov.uk                           Work Mob:  07584 370 613 

Kevin Hay                            kevinhay@gateshead.gov.uk                            Work Mob:  07500 032 599

Mark Heron                        markheron@gateshead.gov.uk

Zoe Campbell                     zoecampbell@gateshead.gov.uk

Katherine Holden             katherineholden@gateshead.gov.uk

We appreciate that this is a very uncertain and unprecedented time but please be reassured that we are still here should you have anything at all that you wish to discuss or queries to ask, therefore please do not hesitate to get in touch using the individual contact details above.

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